Saturday 19 August 2017

The connection between Sleep deprivation and diabetes

Tiredness and current weather days have their own part, but they are not the only factors that can affect the quality of sleep. A "bad" sleep, according to scientific studies, could also correlate to a number of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders including diabetes and also obesity or overweight. Conditions that can also contribute to a lack of sleep, increasing a potential risk to breathing disorders, and the Osteopathic Apnea Syndrome (OSAS). 
"Reducing sleep deprivation, a correct handling of insomnia and a breathing disorder benefits on the quality of sleep and has positive effects on metabolism," said the researcher. The evidence that the use of CPAP, a respiratory ventilation device used in obstructive apnea syndrome, as well as regulating and improving sleep quality, also optimize glycemic control in diabetic patients, enhancing the increase Of peripheral insulin sensitivity. Scientific data and therapeutic results, as demonstrated by the ' Obesity Report in Italy. Obesity and sleep: From pathogenesis to therapy, curated by many specialists and researchers, has opened new perspectives to better understand the pathophysiology and clinical history of many respiratory, metabolic and cardiovascular issues in the obese patient, which can be effectively treated in the future. Centers where a careful research of sleep disturbance and its effects can be addressed through a medical sleeping examination, accompanied by various types of polynomial instrumental examinations and adaptations to ventilation supports, with customized and specific therapeutic settings for Pathology with obvious benefits on the general health condition. To guarantee a better sleep quality. 

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